Department of CSE, BUET, Dhaka, Aug 2001- Feb 2005. 

Assistant Professor
Department of CSE, BUET, Dhaka, Mar 2005- Present


         Discrete Mathematics (Theory)
         Artificial Intelligence (Lab)
         Compiler (Lab)
         Algorithms (Lab)

         Artificial Intelligence (Theory & Lab)
         Data Structures (Theory & Lab)
         Computer Graphics (Lab)

         Data Structures (Theory & Lab)
         Simulation and Modeling (Lab)
         Computer Graphics (Lab)
         Microprocessors (Lab)

         Structured Programming Language: C (Theory & Lab)
         Information Technology (Theory)
         Object Oriented Programming: C++, Java (Lab)
         Operating Systems (Lab)

         Digital Techniques (Theory & Lab)
         Microprocessors and digital Computers (Lab)
         Structured Programming Language: C (Lab)


Trained teams for national and international programming contests at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, BUET,  August 2002-November 2003.


M.Sc. Thesis

Topic: Solving Optimization Problems Using Learnable Evolution Model (LEM).

Brief description: LEM is tested on some optimization problems, namely, the p-Median problem (PMP) and capacitated p-Median problem  (CPMP). The strengths and limitations of this model are identified and analyzed. A new model, called the Combined Evolution Model (CEM) is proposed to overcome the limitations. CEM is an integration of machine learning, simulated annealing and evolutionary computing into a single framework. Initial experiments with CEM shows its superiority over LEM.

B.Sc. Thesis

Topic: Using Genetic Algorithms in Engineering Design.

Brief description: In this work the GA based concept learner was extended to adopt continuous attributes. This extension was done by modifying the genetic operators and enhancing the encoding of chromosomes. Experiments with this modified version proved that it was very efficient compared to other rule learning systems such as C4.5.

Undergraduate Thesis supervision

Supervising the theses of undergraduate students,

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), BUET, Dhaka, Aug 2003-present.

Present students

s         Student no. 9905004 & 9905061. Topic: Learning Evolving Concepts

s         Student no. 9905018 & 9905026. Topic: Extracting Rules from Supervised Neural Networks.

Past Students
Student no. 9805065. Topic: Reinforcement Learning in Robotics and Game Playing 
Student no. 9805039. Topic: Feature Extraction using Greedy & Genetic Algorithms 
Student no. 9805063. Topic: Study on Evolutionary First Order Logic




Served on the group of consultants appointed by the Bureau of Research Testing and Consultancy, BUET.

         Developed test materials, and evaluated the performances of the examinees for the positions of computer operator, senior computer operator, assistant programmer, programmer & system analyst for Investment Corporation of Bangladesh, August 2004.

         Designed and developed test materials, and evaluated the performances of the examinees for the positions of computer operator, senior computer operator, assistant programmer and programmer for Sonali Bank a national commercial bank, November 2003.

         Analyzed and evaluated the tender for computerization and establishment of the nationwide network for Prime Bank Ltd., Bangladesh, April 2002.

         Analyzed and evaluated the tender for computerization and establishment of the nationwide network for BASIC Bank Ltd., Bangladesh, September, 2001.


System Administrator

Served for the International Collegiate Programming Contest, Asia region, Dhaka, November  2001, November 2002 and November 2003.
         Installed, tested and maintained the PC2 and other related software
         Established network and ensured data security during the contest
         Administered other systems related operations for successful completion of the contest

System Developer (system analysis & programming section)

Currently working as a team member of the project "Automated Clearing and Settlement System" for Dhaka Stock Exchange, largest corporate organization in Bangladesh. The system is being developed in Java / JSP programming language on the j2ee Struts (from Jakarta) framework using Oracle database. Appointed by the Bureau of Research Testing and Consultancy, BUET , March 2005.